  Sensations Spa

277 N Spring Creek Pkwy

Providence, UT 84332

North Entrance 2nd Floor


Our Mission

Floating Sensations is a place for people to come whether on a warm summer day or a crisp winter evening, our valley is a place we love to explore and connect with.
At Floating Sensations Spa our mission is to enhance and elevate your overall state of well-being, mind, body and spirit. In a busy world, self-care is an imperative step on our path to wellness.

Floating Sensations is committed to providing a clean, calm, and welcoming environment so guests can get the most out of flotation therapy.

Whether guests seek pain management, sports recovery, stress relief, improved focus, or simply disconnect from a hyper-connected world, we create a sanctuary to help everyone, everywhere improve their quality of life.

The floating experience is a zero-gravity environment that allows the mind and body to completely relax and reset. Using 1,000 pounds of Epsom Salts, the buoyancy of the water makes floating on water feel like floating on air. Our most popular service is our 60 minute float session combined with a zero-gravity massage. We are able to serve couples so grab your spouse for a date night or your best Friend and come have an unforgettable experience together.


In addition to improving many of the symptoms related to sleeplessness, anxiety, and depression, people come and float  to manage pain resulting from arthritis, sports injuries, and pregnancy discomforts.


Enhanced creativity and clarity is another reason people engage in floating. Studies find floating helps generate more “creative” ideas as well as increasing students’ scores on a standardized test used to measure creativity. 


Imagine – 60 minutes, completely free from the hustle and bustle, in a luxurious and soothing environment that may work wonders for your mind, body and soul. There’s nothing to lose, except all of your worries.

About Floating Sensations

Getting rid of all sensory input allows your brain to chill out, allowing the creative, relaxed part of your brain to come out and play. Without the constant pressure of analyzing the world around you, your body lowers its stress levels by lowering cortisol. You will also be happier after your brain releases elevated levels of dopamine and endorphins.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why use flotation tank regularly?

The flotation tank gets better every time you use it. Each session is completely unique, but the relaxation and benefits are the same. 

What effects does floating in a flotation tank have on the mind?

During a float, you produce theta waves (aka slower brain waves), which are normally only experienced during a deep meditation or just before falling asleep. This is usually accompanied by vivid imagery, very clear, creative thoughts, sudden insights and inspirations or feelings of profound peace and joy. Because of these effects, floating is used effectively in the treatment of depression and addictions.

What effect does salt water have on my skin and hair?

The Epsom salt solution is beneficial to the skin and hair and may leave your hair and skin feeling softer. You can wear a bathing cap if you’d like, but there is no guarantee it’ll keep your hair completely dry.

If your stylist uses semi or demi permanent color, or they dye your hair bright colors….unfortunately you CAN NOT float until several weeks after having your hair colored. Our guideline is that you must wait until the water runs clear and dye does not come off in the shower or when you towel dry it. With semi and demi permanent hair colors, the color molecules sit on the surface of the hair which means the top layers of color wash off when you wet your hair. This can be costly for us as the hair dye can discolor our float water and even permanently stain the float pods. If your hair is not running clear in the shower, please reschedule your appointment.

Is floating successful for everyone?

Floating, as with other treatments, does not suit everybody. It requires willingness on your part to let go and see what happens, and you may need to float a few times before you are able to relax completely, both physically and mentally. Depending on your own journey through life, a float might provide an hour of total physical relaxation ­ or a profound healing experience, emotionally and spiritually transforming. Floating can be a wonderful aid to opening doors into your inner world, gradually allowing access to those deeper levels at which real changes take place.

Is there a typical tank user?

People of all ages and walks of life seem to enjoy the experience equally. What seems typical is how glowing and peaceful everyone looks when they come out of the tank.

Is anyone not supposed to use the tank?

We do not recommend using the tank for epileptics whose epilepsy is not under medical control, for anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or for those with infectious diseases or open skin wounds.

Can pregnant and menstruating women use the tank?

Yes. We suggest pregnant women inform their physicians and midwives or get their opinion prior to using the tank. The reports received from pregnant women have been enthusiastic. As their bodies get heavier, floating is a great relief from the pull of gravity. We advise against women floating after 36 weeks. Floating has given many women a welcome rest. We however cannot hold any liability for pregnant women using the tanks. If you are menstruating, you just need to wear a tampon but we advise against floating during the first 3 days of their cycle or with heavy flow. 

Could you get electrocuted?


Who should not float?

Floatation is not recommended if you have epilepsy, kidney disease, untreated diabetes, low blood pressure, any contagious disease, including diarrhrea, or gastroenteritis (and for 14 days following), open wounds or skin ulcers. 

Is there enough air in the tank?

Yes. The tank is not airtight and fresh air is brought in by an air circulation system.

Do you wear anything in the tank?

Since it is a private experience, most people don’t wear anything. This allows total sense deprivation rather than having something touching your body and causing a distraction. 

Do people sleep in the tank? Is it safe?

Some people use the tank to get a deep sleep and some people fall asleep while using the tank. It is safe to sleep in the tank as it is very difficult to roll over due to the density of the solution. The high salt content would immediately wake you up if it got in your eyes, mouth, or nose.

Is there a right way to do it?

Any way that is right for you is the right way. Each individual will find whatever position is most comfortable for them. Whether having your hands to your side. hands folded, or behind your heads makes you most comfortable, it’s up to you. You may float with the door open or closed and eyes open or closed.

Will I float?

Yes, it is actually impossible not to float in the tank. There is 800 lbs. of salt water dissolved in the water which makes the solution so dense you are pushed to the surface. Your face will stay out of the water but your ears and everything else will remain underwater.  

What if I am claustrophobic?

While we cannot guarantee you won’t feel claustrophobic, hopefully we can put your mind at ease. You can use the tank with the door open if you wish and you are always in complete control of the situation. You can get in and out of the tank whenever you want. In our experience, once people are in the tank they are generally fine.

Can two people float at the same time in the same tank?

Yes! We do allow couples to float together.

How is the water cleaned between systems?

We have a filtration system that runs after each session. The high concentration of medical grade Epsom salt makes it so no living microorganism can survive. Additionally, an ultraviolet light system sterilizes the tank. To maintain cleanliness, a shower is mandatory before floating.